Thursday, May 14, 2009

Never Ends Thank Goodness

Today has been beautiful! I took my one year old nephew on a walk, and whenever he saw horses he would babble as loud as he could to them. He made me laugh every time.

During our walk up the driveway came the PA Goldies! Within the hour of them being in town this is what happened:

Nick and Preston got locked in the bathroom! Dad was fixing the doorknob and in between the boys went in and shut the door. It didn't take too long to get them out, but they were pretty entertaining while in there.

Later I took the two boys and Ella out to play and to cloud watch. We laid down a blanket and stared in the sky. I would say "Look! Do you see the caterpillar?" and the boys would say "YEAH! There it is! Mallory! Do you see the sky?! It looks like the sky!!!" They were much more creative playing in the yard, than with cloud watching. I love these kids.

Welp, I'm off with the ladies to Cincinnati this weekend. I'll tell ya all about it when I get home!

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