One thing I started was a shell and a button jar...You can tell what I love more. Notice the Purple Dwarf shells. Those are my favorite from the island. Also, notice the ugly green beads. Those, too, are from the island. I gave them to scouts that helped at meals. Those beads were always in my pockets, and it seemed I couldn't get rid of them. I was going to take them out of the jar, but when I look at it I smile.

One fun thing about the day was walking down memory lane. I went through my chest (about a 1 1/2 x 1 ft small), that contains all my keepsakes from growing's lame. Things brought smiles, but I'd rather relive the moments by looking at the pictures. When I finally got to my 2 1/2ft x 4 1/2ft long plastic container from the past 4yrs, I had a blast reliving those times.
I organized my ticket stubs from everywhere I've been (lots of those!), plane tickets, pamphlets, maps...I am so grateful for the things I've gotten to do while so young! But what I'm most grateful for are the people I've gotten to do these things with!!!!!!!
After I got through the stub stuff, I went through the cards, notes and letters...(The older I get the more I realize I might just be a bit of a crier.) One note I found was a poem a guy I worked with (Phish) and his troop wrote for me (very romantic like):

While looking through some more letters I came upon this stack:

I could go on for days about all the little things I've gotten over the past few years that have meant so much. I am so grateful for the people I have met. I can't believe how much love I have for them. They are my closest and dearest friends. I hope I can be as caring of a friend to them as they have been for me.
-Among my pile of cards were postcards I never sent out...It's the thought that counts, right? One of my projects (now that I think of it) is going to be to be that friend who thinks of those I love and MAKES SURE TO LET THEM KNOW. Friends, you have no idea what a blessing you have been in my life. I live in the boondocks, and when I get a letter or card or email or WHATEVER it lets me know I'm not alone.
I love you all.
I miss you all.
1 comment:
My favorite part, is that you might be a crier! You officially can't make fun of me EVER again :)
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