Remember how I wrote about
hidden places? Well, I went back to them. All that was left was an old skull and half a bowling ball. Gross? Probably. But I had them for good reason. The skull I used to keep/scare anything out of my clubhouse (an old fallen tree) and the bowling ball was something my dad and I found on a hike, when I was probably six. I had never seen the inside of one before!...I was weird.
...I'm headed to the island, with this person in 15 days...

Gorgeous picture of you -- GROSS skull and bowling ball! Glad you're keeping busy and entertained, and glad your trip with Whitney is coming up soon!
I'M SOO JEALOUS!! I'm so excited for you!! I cant wait to hear all of your stories. Give the island a kiss for me and take a moment on Lions Head for me too!!Someday I will go back there...
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