Thursday, March 15, 2012

What's Summer Doin' Here?

I babysit two little boys during the week and yesterday, while pushing the 4 yr old on the swing, we got on the topic of favorite things. His were *dancing*singing*hiding*picnics*cars*

Today, Sally and I went for a ride in our old pick-up truck, which she LOVES, and it got me thinking about her favorite things (which she is VERY serious about) *playing*running*riding in the truck*treats*friends*back rubs*sleeping*

And, so I think it's only natural to think of my favorite things, too... but try to keep them in their simplest forms, like my friends above. My favorite things I guess would be*warm weather*Jeff hugs*painting*Sally laying on my toes*gardening books*outdoors*

Yeah, today I got to/will enjoy every one of them. What a good day.

P.S.- I put up a .gif last year, but for some reason it didn't run...SO I fixed it, and if you are Jeff's side of the fam (especially Marsha's fam), you might be interested in checking it out HERE. :)

1 comment:

kate said...

Hey! I like your blog.