With my whole family in town (minus Miranda), we put together a rather wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Wednesday the adults decided to go shopping, while my mom and I watched the kids. So, we did what usually happens when I'm around kids. We painted.
^Brennen's classic smile^
The boys love to wear overalls, just like their grandpa. :)
And then we went to see the new Muppet's movie.
Thursday being Thanksgiving, we went to my aunt's to stuff ourselves.
^This is Ella. She looks at us, props her foot up to show off her boots, and says she's being sarcastic...or is she?
^ 4 generations. I love listening to my grandma play piano, and it's really fun to see each generation carry on the interest.
After being so full, Jeff and I ran over to Jeff's parents house for a little while. Jeff's mom went to Kentucky, so we brought some food for his dad...and had a bright idea to surprise his mom.
We put up their Christmas decorations! Jeff said it best. You know when kids wake up early to make their mom breakfast for Mother's Day? That's about how well we did... :)
Friday my family decided to do something a little different compared to the normal Black Friday tradition (and something I hope we continue to do every year). We decided to do a little service project. We went to the church and mulched around the building and trees. All the kids had their job, and they were great! my favorite to watch was Brennen. His job was to look after his baby brother.
Where's Brennen?
Oh! He was just getting into character.
"you aw undew uwwesss!"
Nick and Preston wanted their picture taken in their club house.
This was the perfect service project. The boys got to play in dirt, and it took the exact right amount of time (before the kids lost interest).
And a family weekend wouldn't be complete without a hike.
And our last full day of fun included ANOTHER huge dinner on my dad's side,
I just love taking pictures of Chase, and his big beautiful brown eyes.
There was a presenter from the Cincy Zoo, and trolly, a bouncy slide (that was the coolest one I've EVER seen!...and funniest to watch), free samples up and down the streets, the BEST parade ever (and I'm not really a parade kind of person)...AND
TubaChristmas! I went to one in DC a couple of years ago with a friend, so I was excited to have one in my home town. Jeff and I were kind of herded into our old historic theater not totally sure what was going on. Once we were inside we were deciding where we wanted to sit. There was an open door not saying we couldn't enter. So we entered. It lead to box seats overlooking the performance! I called Mindy, and told them to come on over for a TubaTastic time, because we got the best seats in the house.
Reserving our awesome seats.
We were so close, when the conductor announced The First Noel to be the next song, Ella let out a "YAY" to get a reply "One of my favorites too" from the conductor.
When I was little, my dad would always say "Remember this moment right now. Don't ever forget it." usually when we were just spending time together. And I always remembered (even though he might not. haha) So, I was sure to tell the kids who were there with us to always remember this experience...We will see how long it lasts.
I'm not sure how I didn't hardly get any pictures of the babies, but they were beautiful and adorable. Thanksgiving gave me some wonderful traditions I want Jeff and I to implement into our family. Being together. Service. Free fun!
I love the holidays.
Ha! Oh, this post. Those boys are so cute! That slide! Those tubas! Love it.
Oh man. I miss these kids and feel like I missed out on a ton. Love the overalls! I thought of dad when I saw them. Love the pictures.
Merry Tuba Christmas!!! Oh the memories!! I loved that trip! I'm so glad you were able to see another one- what are the chances?? Love and miss you! Have a wonderful Christmas!
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