Saturday, November 6, 2010

Falling from October

Before I'm too late, Halloween was a good time. Jeff and I carved pumpkins (that's his; some reason I didn't take a picture of mine). The people who lived in this house before me had a cat, Gus (whom they claim to belong to the neighbors). He really "helped" us carve. :) 

We also went to a little murder mystery dinner our friends put together. Jeff and I went as cruise ship UNsurvivors. We looked pretty nerdy, and had fun. 

 One thing about Idaho I love is that when you live next to people with a garden you're guaranteed some goods. Last place I lived I got corn-on-the-cob, and this place I've gotten potatoes, flower bulbs for planting next year, and sunflower seeds. For a couple of days my free time was spent roasting sunflower and pumpkin seeds...which are all already all gone.
And to wrap up October, I got a new do. Not a huge change, but it makes me happy. :)

New house pictures comin' up next.



Bekah said...

Loving all these updates and LOVE your hair! I may or may not be praying for this baby to come out with your hair color on Thursday! :)

Christyn Caryn said...

LOVE YOUR HAIR! It looks fabulous!! i am coming home this week and cannot wait to see you!!Love you!

Jeffrey said...

Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?
I still have some sunflower seeds if you want some.
