Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today one of the kids I tutor said she had a secret to tell me. She gets up and walks around the table to quietly say "I know what the tooth fairy does with the teeth she gets. She puts them in babies' mouths. And if the teeth have a cavity, she has to throw them away." Hmm, really?...She continues..."Yeah, and I have the tooth fairy's phone number, and as soon as I get more minutes I'm going to call her" as she takes out a cell phone...

I don't know what's worse. The fact that a child who believes in the tooth fairy is considered old enough to have a cell phone, or the fact that the tooth fairy has yet to give me her private line...


Bekah said...

Loving all the blogging lately!

Beth said...

I really think you should blog professionally. I'd easily pay to read your thoughts.
PS- did you see Julie and Julia yet? I saw it last night and thought about you. :)