The whole crew was in! Spring break is great. Here is a glimpse of the happenings:
First there was COSI. It's a science place for kids. My dad got on a submarine camera and aimed it at a window, and this was the view he found:

Next was Easter
It's tradition to fly kites on Easter in our family, and this is the traditional way to end flying kites:
The rest of the weekend was just fun.
Here are the strongest half naked boys I know:
Which were sometimes sick too.

I should also mention that I did just fine on my Celebration of Scholarship presentations. One was on Community Arts, and the other was with a group about the China trip. I got this classy faux gold pen, which I plan on using anywhere and everywhere a pen is required.
3 more weeks, and I'll have all my classes finished up. I can taste freedom!
Today is Thomas Jefferson Day! Here is a quote to celebrate:
But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
-Thomas Jefferson
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