This has been the best decision of my entire life. Granted it's only been a couple days, but so far so good. This morning I made whole wheat pancakes for my roommates for
Common Courtesy Day(When you make food, you should make enough for everyone), and of course we ate them with 100% pure maple syrup for
Maple Syrup Day (not to be confused with National Maple Syrup Day in Dec.)

I'd call this one a uni-cake

Having breakfast together was really nice :) Then, Kristin and I were off to the flee market to look at junk. That was fun. I saw an old friend I hadn't seen in years (somehow I bump into people no matter where in the world I go), and then we bought some hand-made jewelry and a corn dog! What is
Corn Dog Day without having a corn dog?

But I had already bought corn dogs for the celebration. So, when I got home I had 3 more with a bowl of organic tofu chili...odd. I know. And you know how people tend to over eat during the holidays.
You know that feeling you get the night before Christmas? That's how I feel everyday...I mean, so far.
you got to tell me where that flee market is you... know I am a yard sale junkie !!!! love aunt diane
haha, it's the RT 23 southbound flee market in Piketon, It's not too bad, and it definitely felt like a big yard sale :) are amazing!!! and i am so glad we are blogging buddies now! i gotta say, your blog is definately more interesting than mine I look forward to reading it! :D How do you find out about the random holidays?...i'm in a celebrating sort of mood. ;)
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