Monday, June 30, 2008
But it looks good!
10 More Minutes!
Friday, June 27, 2008
It’s a Sun Shining Day!
I have SO MUCH JOY! I am just so blessed, and grateful for everything. I finally am done with a couple of tough classes, and only have a couple art studios to finish up the summer. I can finally take a breath! It’s always about this time that I get really restless, too. I’ve got to go on an adventure! Luckily there is some white water rafting next month to tide me over until August…possibly. This is more of what I'm craving, though:
But alas, I'm here in Ohio and I just got off work at the greatest job. I don’t know how things worked out where I would have the perfect job for me at this time in my life, but I sure am blessed having it. I’ve been at the ranch for over two years, and learn something new almost everyday. Take today for example. I learned how to clean a gelding’s sheath. For those who don’t know what that is…you probably don’t want to know. I told my boss while cleaning “it” I could totally mark this off my bucket list. She laughed, but I know she had to be wondering “do you think she really had this on her bucket list?...because that would be way nasty". But, no. No, it was not on my bucket list. Should’ve been, though.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Library Tales
But then again, I can’t even wear my shirt right-side out after 21 years of wearing clothes…Well, better make that 15 years for me...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Sorrowful News
Oh! And speaking of dead animals, the other day I was driving home when I noticed a cute little tortoise crossing the road. I quickly slowed (how’s that for an oxymoron?) to a stop to wait for him to pass, when I noticed a car coming up on my tail. I didn’t know what to do because it was a busy highway, and if I didn’t start to accelerate there might be some bad news. So, I figure this little guy had to be midway of my car by now where I can go right over him. I start to inch forward, then SLWERACKPLU (my made-up onomatopoeia attempt). Never have I been so remorseful for road kill. All these images of happy harmless turtles ran through my mind. I will never be the same.
Monday, June 9, 2008
I LOVE THE GREEN STUFF!!!...and red, and yellow, and pink, and purple, and orange...
"OUT ON THE ISLAND"...Oh, How I Wish
Well, everyone is out on the island without me again this year. This would be the year I would LOVE to go! And I would be out there in a heartbeat. Blasted school!!! I miss it so much. Who knows, maybe next year…at least to visit:) Lets remember the good times on the island, shall we?...