In about 2 1/2 weeks I'll be a married woman. I thought we were kind of crazy for having such a short engagement (7wks). But now that all the tough planning is done with just loose ends to tie, I wonder what we would be doing with ourselves if we still had 5 months to go.
In these 5wks I've had great friends come visit:
Got the dress, and all the little details ready:
Got the places, food, and photographers. (side note: our photographer going to be at the temple, Christa Kimble, was on my favorite wedding blog, Green Wedding Shoes HERE, a couple of days ago! Thanks Christyn for recommending such a great photographer!)
I've been trying to get in shape to look good for those pictures too, but to not much avail (too busy with life, but I try to squeeze in some time...just far from enough).
Jeff and I got our tickets to Ohio! Can't wait to be back home for a short while!
We also went to a flower show here on campus, where I got some ideas...But mainly it just made me impatient for spring.
Jeff and I finally went to the dentist after years! Here's Jeff's after picture. This is him much as he can.
And I've been busy reorganizing my tiny house to fit two people and a dog, and trying to keep up at work. The more I work, the more I can't wait to be a mommy, stay home, and take care of those things I NEVER find time to do (laundry, dishes, vacuuming...). I want to take care of a my family. I want Jeff to provide for our family. The thought of this makes my little heart glow...I can't wait for that day to come.When we got engaged I was excited to post all the details and make things all weddinged out. BBBBut, that didn't happen. I would rather post pictures of the finished project. Then maybe I'll post the details. We will see.
I'm excited to marry Jeff. With our schedules it's hard to fit in what I would consider enough time. We just daydream about how we will spend our extra hours together, and I'm thrilled. I love Saturdays, and soon we'll have all of our Saturdays together. (Sorry for the sappy...I don't know why it keeps coming out of me...)
Happy Saturday!