Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thankful Even After The GRE

 The GRE was DUMB...and I (of course, considering I haven't even had to do a thing on the test since my high school days) did terribly. But thankfully I got to spend the rest of the day with some of my closest friends. The man of the Hour was Ashton, who we haven't had the pleasure of seeing for quite some time. Accompanying him would be the beautiful Anna. Whit and Aaron fortunately were able to grace us with their beauty. And CHRISTYN drove down for the event, after returning home the day before from being a Disney princess for the past eight or so months. I am so grateful I got to see such great friends.
Once my trip to Utah was supposed to end, a blizzard "hit". Apparently up north was getting hammered, so we decided to wait for it to pass...although it never really arrived. 

On our way back it took us a couple of extra hours to get there. Oh so slow going, but at least it was in good company (Jeff, Miranda and Ben). It was nice to have a couple guys in the back seat to jump out whenever we needed a push out of the snow, and wash of the windshield every hour or so.

It was beautiful after the sun slowly started to go down, and there was some almost-rainbow light caught in the sky. 

It was a VERY long drive, but we made it back in time to prepare for Thanksgiving. 
I was blessed to have a great co-worker who was out of town, and wanted someone to house-sit. It was the perfect place to be when we couldn't be with our whole families. Jeff's roommate joined us, and we had a wonderful evening of stuffing ourselves to the brim, and lounging around watching movies and playing Wii.
My first turkey turned out golden and juicy.

I'm grateful for so much, and this whole week reminded me of each of my blessings.
Pumpkin Milkshakes 
(^my new Thanksgiving tradition^)
The Arts 
Etc. Etc. Etc.

And is it just me, or does the formation of the above writings look like a cake platter?

Anyways, happy holidays! Three weeks until I am back in the homeland. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Worst Enemy

You know what I think testing centers should be called?

I'm off this weekend to take the GRE in Utah. 


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Office Pet

I feel like I remove a lot of staples at work...
A staple remover has always looked like a mean, vicious mini monster to me.
Turns out it's kinda nice.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Houze

 Welcome to my dining room, 
which happens to be directly across (next to,'s all the same) from the kitchen.
 Through an archway is the bedroom/kinda living room, sorta a studio.

 And through the hallway...
 into the bathroom.
Then down into the basement.
 I'm loving my little home. 
This was just a quick tour, but I'm sure you'll see more of its whimsy over time (such as the lack of shower, and the elk in the mountains boarder in the bedroom).

And next time you come, try not to bring the snow with you. 
I've got foot long icicles hanging outside. Here's a little of the front yard.
That's Idaho for you. I'm itching for the ocean again...and that tends to lead to good things. Nothing in the works yet, but that doesn't mean there wont be...

Until then, I'll enjoy living up north.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Little Angel

Yesterday was a tough day, but it was all okay because a beautiful little girl entered our family. My brother, Brad, and sister-in-law, Bekah, were blessed with an 8lb 3oz and 22 inch angel. After several hours of Cora being without a middle name, I got a text around 12:30 last night saying "Hi Mal- just wanted to tell you we decided on Cora Ann after you and your mom. Love you and wish you were here!"

I got a little teary eyed from that, after already being a little teary eyed for not being able to be there. I wish I could have, and can't wait to meet her at Christmas! And anyone with a middle name like that is going to do great things. :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Falling from October

Before I'm too late, Halloween was a good time. Jeff and I carved pumpkins (that's his; some reason I didn't take a picture of mine). The people who lived in this house before me had a cat, Gus (whom they claim to belong to the neighbors). He really "helped" us carve. :) 

We also went to a little murder mystery dinner our friends put together. Jeff and I went as cruise ship UNsurvivors. We looked pretty nerdy, and had fun. 

 One thing about Idaho I love is that when you live next to people with a garden you're guaranteed some goods. Last place I lived I got corn-on-the-cob, and this place I've gotten potatoes, flower bulbs for planting next year, and sunflower seeds. For a couple of days my free time was spent roasting sunflower and pumpkin seeds...which are all already all gone.
And to wrap up October, I got a new do. Not a huge change, but it makes me happy. :)

New house pictures comin' up next.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Ordinary Day Corny Highlights

 Just another day on the trail.

Giant Cow

 Wednesday Surprise 

 The wall is the same color as my purse.

 It should be illegal to be this cute. Guess that's why it's behind bars.

 Somebody better go catch it.

Sprinkler Malfunction

I like me.

A couple days ago I wrote kind of a long blog about how tough it is to live here, in reference to the people...It was a venting session, and I'm not tons keen on blubber I nixed it. Instead of writing about how hard it is for lil' ol' mez, I'm going to go on about how awesome I am.

Point 1- I think I'm ridiculously funny. (key word is probably 'think')

Point 2-I don't care what others think of me, as long as I'm doing what I feel is right, and am treating people the way they deserve to be treated (and I think everyone deserves to be treated with kindness).

Over a course of 5 years I made so many AMAZING, WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL, KIND and GENUINE friends rather quickly, because I love people (a lot). In the 7 or 8 months of living here I can barely count the # of people I would consider good friends on one hand...And people think I'm SHY here. I think my interactions with people have to do mostly with my situation, and I need to keep in mind this is not a representation of the entire city. This is just my luck. (ok, ok...I said I wasn't going to vent about how tough life is for me here)

Point 3-I love plants

Point 4- I love animals

Point 5- I love cooking, eating, experimenting and appreciating food.

Point 6- I'm a conservative hippie. I think "all natural" products are a lie, and make most of my own. I think all the world's problems could be solved with the power of love. I'm a bit of an eco nut, and even live in a tiny home (by pure blessing)....etc...

Point 7- I LOVE creativity in just about any form.

Point 8-I get a thrill from living within my means.

Point 9- I have many passions in life. I am a jack-of-all treads, master of none. And I like that :)

Point 10- I believe in myself. Despite my trials I'm in a place where I'm happy. This is a good place for me in life. Not where I always want to be, but it is good for right now.

Ok. This was a longer post than my venting un-published one..and there still is venting in it, but like I said, I don't really interact with many close friends here, so I've got to tell someone. Might as well be the whole world.

I am grateful every morning to live in a cute little home (at least it's cute to me). I'm grateful for a Heavenly Father who will ALWAYS love and care about me. I'm grateful for food, and water, and shelter, and my space heater, and finding a way to make my crummy European mattress comfy, and for Jeff being my bestest friend who cares about me too. I'm grateful for out of the blue letters and texts and emails and calls from my wonderful friends.

I promise to never go on again like this again...(fingers crossed behind my back)...But be encouraged to find things you like about yourself, because no one deserves not to. And when you interact with people, don't think of a single negative thing about them. Find the beauty in all, because they deserve it too.  
