Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'd be your valentine ALL year long

Ok, I know V-day was months ago, but every time I check my sisters blog these faces pop up!!!
hahahahaha! You'd be CRAZY! hahahaha I miss them so much! I also miss my bro's boys...And I got exciting news yesterday that they are having a GIRL! I know that's all Bekah could ever wish for, and I'm so glad she's on the way!

I miss my family. 
Can't wait to save up some moneyz to see them.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Life Out West

National Parks
Weekend Getaways
Camp Fires
 Let the adventures continue…

Rise and Shine

[Photo brought to you by Hipster Puppies]

Morning! I woke up today feelin' pretty good. Why you ask? Because there are a few ways I like to start my morning. First! I get in a spiritual thought. Today's comes from Sheri Dew's book If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard: "We are to bear each other's burden's, even absorb each other's burdens, but not to cause each other's burdens."

I also like to get my blogz in. One of my favorites: Awkward Family Photos
And a quick pick-me-up that is guaranteed to work : Puppies, Puppies, and more Puppies...And one for the Ladiez: Hot Guys Holding Cute Puppies

I also made a journal that covers all the basic necessities your soul needs to feel complete and happy...in my humble opinion. It covers the topics of emotional, spiritual, and physical. You fill it out morning and night, and it only takes a couple min. I think I might put the template on here for anyone who is interested, or sell them pre-made if time/motivation is a limitation. 

Speaking of selling things, I'm collecting and creating things I'd like to sell on Etsy, and even have a name and everything. I'm hoping (as long as things go smoothly...unlike the past month) I'll have my Good as Goldie Shop up and running within the month.

And this blog needs a revamp too! It's been two years...I think it's time for a new look.

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"they do exist!"

If there is anything these past few months should have taught me, it is that fairy tales don’t exist. I’ve caught myself hoping or daydreaming about something wonderful, and heroic happening in my life, and once I catch myself I try to say “what are you thinking? Life isn’t a fairytale.”

But I still don’t buy it! Life is what you make it, and sometimes it’s allowed to suck. It’s allowed to be hard, but you can’t keep feeling that way. When little glimmers of hope come up (sometimes in the form of a fairytale), feel it! Breathe it in! Experience it, and hope for a brighter day.

I do believe in fairytales; always have. I think that’s what has kept me sane my whole life. I like a line from an Emily Dickenson poem: “To much madness is divinest sense”. I think that’s why I relate to Alice in Wonderland so much. She doesn’t get caught up in the silly social qualms, but has her own monsters to slay. And by so doing, she is the heroine. Battle your demons, slay your dragons! Do whatever it is to fight for your happiness. Follow your dreams, and stay sensitive to reality, and someday you’ll have a happily ever after.

That’s my hope.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rounding into June

Life is a whirlwind.

I moved to Idaho.

There was a tragedy.

I moved again.

I have a nice home.

I have to move on from someone I love. 

I have a broken heart.

I found a job.

I have hope.

I can't be like Moses' people, who wanted to go back to Egypt, because it was what they knew and were comfortable with. I have to want to go forward, across the wilderness, and into the promise land.
...I just wish I knew where it was...