Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sweetest Day

It's so sweet to be sweet
(like when someone lifts you up to smell the flowers).
Today is
Sweetest Day
Do something sweet for someone :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Do you ever get in moods, where you want to make prints for t-shirts?
...maybe that's just me.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Startings of Fall

So much has happened since fall got here,
and I’m trying to look back and remember.
Last weekend the whole family was in town. Great time. Grandma Nick came over for my nephew’s birthday party, and we got some great stories out of her.
Later that night we found Ella and cake. A little after that, we just found Ella sick. Hmmmm.
This week I got a pedicure for the first time. A close friend I grew up with was in town, so we wanted to do something fun. Can’t wait for her wedding to get close, because we plan on really going all out.
This weekend was wonderful!
We had a church retreat, and I got to know my friends so much more. I learned Amy loves trees.
I learned Ben G. can/will climb anything.
I learned Jeff doesn’t just look good in jeans,
but his awesome coat...and pretty much anything, really.

I also learned that there is NOTHING
I love more, than seeing Ben M. dance/sing in scout shorts. NOTHING.

I learned other things, but those are what stuck out to me the most. You know you had a great time, when you wake up and can barely move, and your voice is gone! (Me)

Life is good.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Look what I won!

A Cup of Jo had a necklace giveaway from Lisa Leonard Designs!

I feel so special!

And it's just my style.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Squishy the Fishy

Time to clean Squishy’s tank again... I’m a little surprised I haven’t mentioned Squishy before. We go way back, and are probably BFFs. I first met him when a roommate 2yrs ago brought him home in a little bowl. She thought of his name from Finding Nemo. It grew on me, and now I love telling the kids his name. They always wrinkle their faces and reply “Squishy, the fishy??”

I think a couple weeks later my roommate was cleaning the bowl, and it broke. That’s when I busted out my tank (which wouldn’t surprise those closest to me. That is a typical thing for me to have…for many reasons…most unknown to others). He loved his new home. You could see it in his swishing and swashing (what I interpret to be his smile…although bettas are rather aggressive…but that’s just how he shows affection).

He lived in the living room, and that’s when we made a strong connection. I’ve never known a fish to make me laugh out loud, or feel like he is doing something for me. After my roommate moved out, she left Squishy where he was strongly loved. After I moved out, he moved to where he was strongly loved.With me. Now, every morning he looks right at me, and smiles.

That’s my Squishy the Fishy
... Why do people make the strongest connections with the silliest things?...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Lately I’ve been way distracted from what I really enjoy. So, yesterday I decided to work on getting undistracted. I got my camera, and went for a walk. I enjoyed the last remnants of summer. I worked on a couple projects. I got some things ready for this weekend. I took a warm bubble bath. I drank hot chocolate. I did a little contemplation. I called it a day.

In my un-distraction, I thought about how much time I have in a day. What do I do with that time? Mainly I avoid what I enjoy, because I feel like I need to be job searching. In reality, I need to be creative. I want to love what I do...So I will.

While on my walk I found this great tree stump. There are toadstools all up and down its side. I could just imagine a little person jumping from stair to stair, working their way up…just like me :)

I’ve got tons to post, that I’ve not shared these last few weeks (I’ve been distracted). Expect them to come soon.