Friday, May 29, 2009

Zoo Days

Jenny Jen Jen is home from school, so we went somewhere we both enjoy;
And now for the craziest animal of all:
Good to have you home.

We didn't get to meet Jack Hannah, BUT we did get to meet this guy (eating lunch):

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Anniversary

I recently found out who my biggest fans are in the blog world. My 6 year old niece and 3 1/2 year old nephew. My sister told me they were on my page forever the other day laughing at all my silly postings and watching all the videos. Today, I came over to baby-sit the kids, and Ella was telling me all about this website. I would say "Yeah, Ella! I know. I WROTE IT." but she would still keep telling me about it, and had me open it so she and Preston could watch everything again.

Because I know they are my loyal fans, I'm sure they are going to LOVE THIS:

Is this not the most hardcore baby you have ever seen?
(Black eye not obtained under my supervision)

And this one is for their mom: They're holding hands running through the sprinklers.

Happy anniversary blog world! One year ago from today I started blogging. Now, 122 posts later and 2 other blogs I contribute to...I still love it. Expect much much much much MUCH more. I've got some fun ideas for the future, but the main theme will always continue...which might just be that there is no theme.

Oh, I almost forgot,
This is for you too, Ella and Preston:


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hidden Places

Since I've been out of school my life has consisted of everything I could ask for. I wake up, and head out to spend hours in the places that have always brought me peace. With not a soul around I just think, skip stones, wade in the freezing water, and enjoy the life I had as a child. Maybe I'll take Lacy out for one of our old adventures. If you don't know who Lacy is refer to the very top picture of my blog. She was my life when I was younger. Old age has gotten the best of her now, so she takes it slow these days.
Speaking of hidden places, I found this squirrel's hidden spot for buckeyes today:
I always had a fascination for secret spots as a kid...hmmm. Maybe I should retrace some steps. Wonder if I've still got some things hidden after all these years...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Love Story Continued

I got back from a hike today, and heard some funny noises. I went in the barn, and saw a lady I hadn't seen in a little while. The hen had been incognito for a couple weeks, and this is how she treated me when she got home:

After a while she softened up, and let me see what she was hiding. 9! baby chicks! Congrats Papa Rooster and Mama Hen!
I love spring!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our Time Out

We are back!
All the women in my family headed to Cincinnati this weekend for:

It is just a little get away for women with speakers and musical performances. It is awesome! Sheri Dew was the host on Friday. She is an author (among may other things), and wrote one of my favorite books, If Life Were Easy, It Wouldn't Be Hard: And Other Reassuring Truths.

Before we heading over, we stopped for dinner at the closest restaurant. All the girls in the family LOVE Hilary Weeks. She is probably my favorite LDS singer and song writer. SHE WAS THERE! We were debating on how to approach her, when Mindy just goes for it. She saw her table was taking pictures and offered to take one for them. Then asked if we could get one, too. At the table were the other speakers Emily Watts, Kris Belcher, and Kim Nelson (who took the photo). They were HILARIOUS and were wonderful speakers, so it was fun to have a picture with them, too.

Later, when we were standing in line, Hilary walks by and says "Hey! There's the lunch bunch! We're like best friends now." She said it. Hilary and I are bff's. I got to talk to her a couple times, and she is so kind to listen to everyone.
I have another new love: Jenny Oaks Baker
Her gift brought everyone to tears.

I can't say enough about TOFW. It was fun and spiritual. The people involved in putting it together are definitely inspired.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Never Ends Thank Goodness

Today has been beautiful! I took my one year old nephew on a walk, and whenever he saw horses he would babble as loud as he could to them. He made me laugh every time.

During our walk up the driveway came the PA Goldies! Within the hour of them being in town this is what happened:

Nick and Preston got locked in the bathroom! Dad was fixing the doorknob and in between the boys went in and shut the door. It didn't take too long to get them out, but they were pretty entertaining while in there.

Later I took the two boys and Ella out to play and to cloud watch. We laid down a blanket and stared in the sky. I would say "Look! Do you see the caterpillar?" and the boys would say "YEAH! There it is! Mallory! Do you see the sky?! It looks like the sky!!!" They were much more creative playing in the yard, than with cloud watching. I love these kids.

Welp, I'm off with the ladies to Cincinnati this weekend. I'll tell ya all about it when I get home!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Morning Call

This is my life this summer...and I like it. I've been so busy the last couple years, that these next few weeks are going to be well appreciated. My only responsibility is finding a job. Fortunately, I got a degree in something I love. So, when I do find a job I'll be just as happy (if not more) as I am now.

I have to admit: I've been daydreaming a lot about putting up a yurt in the middle of nowhere, and living off the land. My only form of communication would be through blogging, and I'd tell all about my crazy adventures...

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Saturday

First, I graduated.
Then, my parents and I went to my grandma's house, and saw some of my dad's family. After that we headed back home, and went out to dinner with the gang. This is what I had:
When we got back home mom surprised me with a birthday cake, ice cream and a movie.
This was pretty much one of the best Saturdays of my life.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Big 2&2

Today I turned
Here's one of those moments
that brought me to where I am:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Checkin' Off the List

I've started a list of things to do before I move way. Today I checked off the famous Hickies, and you know it's good when your check comes back to you looking like this:
Garet summed up the food nicely; "It's like homemade White Castle."


This is what my weekend was all about.
Spending time with family.
Thank you for everything PA Goldies!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Little Chop

First thing I did when I got the State College was get rid of some extra weight. They took off 4in, and added lots of layers. Not a HUGE difference, but I'm very happy with it.

I'm a new woman!

Driving Away

Yesterday morning I left for Penn State. I had my Google map, and had no fear of getting lost. Half way into the journey I saw the most stomach dropping sign:
Maryland?! Am I supposed to be in Maryland?! Thinking I had to have gotten totally lost, I consulted the mini map. I had to squint to see it, but there was a faint gray state line. I'M OK! I never realized Maryland had a narrow strip reaching so far. Maryland is foggy.

My favorite thing about driving in other states is that you can go over 65! All the interstates are 70 in WV. I feel like a rebel when I drive out of state.

Riddle me this: Why aren't more people singing on the road? This has always perplexed me. What could they possibly be doing that is better than singing to the top of your lungs driving down the highway?


Talk about the best No Pants Day of my life! Sorry to leave you all hanging the past couple days. I've got tons to update you on. Friday was my last day of student teaching, and it was so much fun! My co-op teacher is such an amazing person, and I was so blessed to have been able to spend the past few months with her. My students were something else, too. They helped me have an unforgettable experience. I know my co-op teacher is afraid of the internet, but I just love this picture.
Next up was Dress Up for Dessert. This is something my old roomie, Beth and I came up with our freshman year. To celebrate our last week of classes we did it again, and the date was PERFECT for not wearing pants. (And I am aware that we cheated a little on the no pants policy, but being arrested for not wearing pants wouldn't look too good on my record when looking for teaching jobs)

This is a picture from the original Dress Up for Dessert: 2005Reenacted: 2009
We went to the same restaurant (same place:different name/food), got the same table (just so happened), and sat in the same place. It has been nice to spend time with my old roomie. I miss her in my life. Good luck in SC! I'm proud of you! You are amazing, and I know you will do great things!

The next morning I was up at 6am, getting ready to hit the road.
This weekend: Pennsylvania

Friday, May 1, 2009

Starting of No Pants Day

Garet came to visit at school today. He was in my co-op teacher's first class! Garet and I have traveled the world together, and now he will be going to Purdue in the Fall for his MFA. He's great.