This is a picture of my computer...on the fridge. The only place I get internet. I just stand on a chair and get on everyone's nerves who tries to get food. You know, I'm not really sure how I found out I could get interent up there...I just had a feeling, and I was right.
Friday, January 30, 2009
99 TO GO
Today is a very special day to me. Today is the '99 days until graduation' mark. 13 more weeks of student teaching to go. I feel like after I graduate I can finally stop thinking about graduation! It will be great!
So, something kind of exciting happened today. Don't know if I should share yet...Well, a lady from a museum I've wanted to work for got back with me today. She said they have part-time positions open for the fall...doing what I really want to do! (teach art in an after school program) and she said to send in my resume. I really think I want to do this. I have a lot of reasons to leave the area, but oddly I just don't want to. I'm going to follow my heart, and my heart says "Umm, slightly undecided, but a plan is starting to form" and "I wish sugar was good for me".
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
HAPPY 3rd and 4th SNOW DAY!
This is the best snow day ever! The flakes are HUGE! I love it! Yesterday was pretty amazing too. After everyone got back from sledding we were planning on going over to a friend’s house for dinner. Well, the roads were so bad and half the people were already at our house that the guys who were throwing the dinner agreed to make it here! It was great! The house was packed, and to show our appreciation we made it “Happy Eddie Day!” (Eddie was whose house we were supposed to go to).
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Exsnows Me?
Too AWESOME!!! I got ANOTHER snow day today! And get this!!! I’ve got ANOTHER ONE TOMORROW!!! When I got in my car I felt like I was in a cave with all the snow on it. I only went to my car to get sleds for my roommates (which I forgot I took out of my trunk, and put them behind my dresser this summer). I’m lame, and don’t feel like getting out of my p.j.s today. Maybe tomorrow I’ll go sledding, on my OTHER snow day. I’ve been up since 4:30am, because I wanted to get some things done before school started, and I’ve been working on them here and there throughout the day. But my routine usually consists of:
1st making a plan of what needs to get done.
2nd realizing that I’m hungry.
3rd making something so I’m not hungry anymore.
4th eating until I’m sick, because I don’t want to get hungry again while I’m working.
5th getting tired from eating so much.
6th napping.
7th waking up.
8th realizing I have things to do.
9th realizing that I’m hungry again.
10th repeat steps 1-10.
Monday, January 26, 2009
5 8s
8 Favorite TV Shows:
1.The Office!
2. I don’t really watch enough to care about much else…
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Slept
2. Church
3. Ate
4. Talked to friends and family
5. Read
6. Napped
7. Ate
8. Slept (Sundays are the best)
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. GRADUATION (surprising, I know)
2. Thursdays to watch The Office
3. 2:30pm (When school lets out)
4. Saturdays
5. Dinner
6. Long weekends
7. Feb. 14th (Covers most of the top: it’s a Saturday, long weekend, and I’m sure I’m going to eat dinner. And who knows. Some episodes of the Office might be watched.)
8. The next crazy adventure that comes my way
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. I don’t eat out much. (I like to cook)
8 Things on My Wish List
1. A stinking diploma
2. A great job, or some awesome opportunity
3. More snow days
4. Unlimited free time
5. A house out in the country
6. Hmm, I’m out of things to wish for.
I have an extreme case of senioritis, if you haven’t been about to tell. I think I’m going to have a party in a few days to celebrate the 100 days until graduation mark. Man! I really have a problem. Homework time!
Flakes; Keep-o-Fallin'
One of my friends I worked with a couple summers ago emailed me yesterday to see if I wanted to be their Handiland Director (arts and crafts) at a camp in CA. I kind of just emailed him to say I would. So, I guess now I have plans for the summer. This is an exciting thought. PS- If anyone, ANYONE knows of anywhere, ANYWHERE that might need an art teacher let me know! (Or if there is some other opportunity you think “wow, Mallory would be perfect for this!” I’m really game for anything.)
Did I mention it’s a snow day? :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
My Own Kind of Beautiful

Monday, January 19, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Can I Breathe Yet?
Washington D.C.
New York City
Catalina Island
Wherever the wind sends me….
If any of these places appear to be your residents or place of previous occupancies, most likely they are. Expect me to crash/travel with you during the designated time. Thank you.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Time to Move
I don't know how many I told I was going to make up my mind Dec. 22nd on what on what I was going to do with myself after graduation, but that really didn't happen. I'm more undecided than I was before. I have what I want to happen, but that just isn't feeling right. And we all know how things really end up. Last time I made plans for my future they disappeared from under me, and something much better unfolded. I'm hoping something similar happens (without the heartbreak), and I'll figure something out soon. I've been really thinking about going back to this this summer:

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Let the New Year Begin!

It needs some sprucing, but it’s getting there. We decided everyday to write about something we found new, and loved. It’s kind of neat to think that everyday we are going to take a couple minutes to acknowledge something new in our lives. If anyone is interested in joining, let me know. It’s fun to appreciate the small things.
The first day of 2009 turned out to be a good one, indeed. My friends Cody and Jen went with me to the Newport Aquarium, which was fun. When we got there some of my friends from SSU happened to be there, too. That was neat to see them. After an edifying time at the aquarium, we went to the Omnimax! That is one of my favorite things on earth to do. Only now I want to go rafting down a river...again...real bad.

Yes, it would be the New Year…
Happy New Year Everyone!
Hope it was a good one for you all. I hung out at home with family and friends. It is only fitting to do a quick recap of 2008, and go over what I hope to accomplish in 2009.
-2 new nephews came into the family
-London trip
-ROAD TRIP with Whitney (Kirtland, Penn State, Scranton!, Hershey, Amish Country, Giant Basket…)
-White Water Rafting
-Passed the PraxisII
-I’m sure tons of other things I can’t think of right now
-Learn portion control
-Cute down on sweets
-Exercise at least 3x a wk
-Go on at least one great adventure
-Not skip a day of reading the Book of Mormon (including while on vacation)
-GRADUATE (129 days)
-Transition into a new life