Monday, December 29, 2008

Filling Time

I’ve decided on doing a huge art project…only haven’t decided what kind. I’ll figure it out tomorrow, and get started. I’ve got some ideas, but they need refined.

Jen and I are starting a blog. More details to come.
New Years is the debut.

Vacation What?

Welp, two more weeks and I have no idea what to do with myself. Plans keep falling through, and I’m not used to being in one spot for so long without doing something. I’ve had a great time with family, and getting to see my bro’s family in PA. Hanging out with my sister’s kids is always an adventure as well. I surprise myself how immature I can be at will. I’ve gotten to see lots of old Ohio friends I haven’t seen in a very long time, and that’s been exciting. Now what? The only thing I have on the agenda is to revise my resume and start applying for jobs (none really in Ohio yet).

I tried to take up crocheting, but that got a wee bit boring for me. I’ve been trying to finish up a book I’ve been reading, but that can only occupy a few hours of the day. I’ve watched a couple of movies. Now that I think about it, I don’t know what to do with free time. I haven’t had it in so long, that I’ve lost the ability to do nothing. At this point of my vacation time I’m usually on the first flight to anywhere I can go, but with the weather and airport travel problems right now there’s no way. You know what? I’m going to do something great in the next couple weeks. I’ll decide what that great thing will be tomorrow, but it will be worth while. No more of this boredom junk. Mind you me, by this time week after next I will have done, produced, managed, and/or created something of value…I better get to bed, and stop rambling.

New Years is soon…Resolution time.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Night Before Christmas

Here's Nick again! He was so funny that night, and would say anything I asked him to.

It’s Christmas Eve. If anyone is interested the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is performing on PBS right now. I have to say there isn’t too much Christmas cheer in the Goldie house tonight. It’s just like any other night back home, really. I’m sure by mid-morning, and some of the kids get here there will be plenty of entertainment and excitement. As of right now I’m just wandering around the house while mom is in the living room watching T.V. (at an unbearable volume), Miranda is playing computer games for teenyboppers (kinda kidding), and Dad is at work.

If anyone else is in lack of Christmas excitement, here is a video to bring in the right kind of spirit. What a wonderful and amazing gift we all have received. It brings joy, humility, and gratitude to my heart when I think about it…Hey! There’s that Christmas joy. :)

Merry Christmas Everyone

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Just Got Back

We had fun in PA with my brother's family. This is Nick. He is very clever! I miss those kids so much already...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This is my favorite thing when Andrea comes home...

I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas! Finals are OVER, and I'm FREE!...kinda. Hope my roommates have a great Christmas, too! I am so grateful they live with us. Kristin has been a great roommate, and I can't wait to see what we end up doing next semester to make life more entertaining...2009...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spread the Word!

This is for you, Jen! I stole this from your profile picture...obviously.

Freedom is so close! One more day!!!

Great News!

Oh what a relief! I just found out I passed my PraxisII exam! What a huge blessing. I was so worried. I had met my co-op teacher for student teaching. She is GREAT! I am extremely excited for next semester. If I wouldn't have passed I would have had to wait until the fall, and couldn't graduate in May. MAY! I graduate in MAY!

Days until commencement: 144!

Finals are just about over with, and I can't wait for a break! Mom, Dad, Miranda and I are heading to PA to see the Pennsylvanian Goldie's in a couple days! I'm hoping to make a trip out to UT, but that depends on if I can catch a flight (and they aren't looking too hot).

I had my music on shuffle a couple days ago, and a song came on I haven't listened to in quite a while. Yellowcard: Miles Apart. That was my song for the island. I can be such a dork, but it took me back so much. After I graduate I want to find that spot the island gave me. It feels like home, and gives a purpose to work hard. I have too many options for after graduation. I can't wait to figure out which one to choose...

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Proof that the Lord is continually helping me along the way:

Remember how I had that big ol' portfolio due today? Well, you can figure that I didn't get it done, but you can figure even more that about an hour ago an ice storm hit! Class is canceled, and my folder is due MONDAY!

He is too good to me...And makes me want to try harder, because of His graciousness.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Ok, Referring back to the picture of my dad on a previous post (one before last), does this sweet little boy not look exactly like my dad?! This is one of my awesome little nephews, Brennen. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy...
It's like Jeffero Jr.

Some Things Never Fail...

And one of those things would be me out of school. So far I've managed not to flunk out of school despite my radical zest for life. It's a bit of a problem how I can't sit still for too long, nor can I focus on schoolwork for a sufficient amount of time. Take right now for example. I have a huge portfolio due in 18 hours. Do I fret? No. I blog. Or Facebook. Or search for jobs for 3hrs. But I have no fear in it not getting done after 4 years of this life style.

This is the first time in my college career where I have accepted the fact that I walk on the edge. Really, if you think about it my parents should be proud that of all things this is what I do. I could be into drugs, grunge bands, alcohol, beanie babies, or even NASCAR memorabilia. But no. I am a last minute fighter. And I'll be honest. It's a good thing I'm just now figuring this out. The fear of not getting things done in time has had me crank out some pretty spectacular work in impressive time. Will I by tomorrow? Most likely. That's just how I roll...I guess I should be getting to work now.

But before I do, MERRY CHRISTMAS! This was Saturday, when I decided to devote an entire day to getting schoolwork done. What really ended up happening is what I'm sure you're all wondering.

I didn't roll out of bed until 9ish. My roomie offered to hang out with me in ceramics lab, but before then we headed over to see our favorite jolly guy. Then we walked over to the lab, where after about an hr I was ready to do something else. I had a goal that I would finish a certain number of pieces in a certain amount of time (5 in 1hr). After that I looked at Andrea and said..."I feel like Christmas shopping". Off we went with my new friend Blake along side. We hit Goodwill, the Dollar Tree, and Pet Land (Those puppies are just too cute not to stop by and see), and stopped at Bob's for some dinner. After that I knew I needed to get at least my Sunday school lesson prepared. So, we dropped Blake off and headed to the house. On the way we passed by where one of Andrea's friends were, so we stopped in to rap presents...which evolved into long conversations. So, pretty much I didn't get home until after 10 or so.

End result:
I had one of the best Sunday school classes I've taught, and everything due for Monday some how was enough.
I am so grateful for how much I get looked after from up above. There's no way I'd make it through life w/o.

2 Beautiful People

To the best parents I've ever had! You two are the greatest.This is my favorite picture of them. So, to all those wondering where I got my amazingly gorgeous looks, wonder no more. I love you two, and want to say thanks for putting up with one crazy little redhead...

And if Santa asks I could use a camera, and a pottery wheel.
Love You!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

College is Just SO Hard

Ok. This is too much fun. Exptect many a video to come. This is whats going on right this minute!

Straight to You

Now this is too neat. I just figured out how to send blogs from my phone! Now there are many moments to come:)

Maybe a Little Interesting

I've been tagged. 7 interesting facts about me count down:
  1. I get more involved in the plot of the encyclopedia than with fiction.
  2. After over 20yrs of eating pizza I was recently informed I fold slices in half when I eat it (hot dog length). Habit I never noticed.
  3. I have a slight phobia of parasites (aka...worms)
  4. I prefer to sleep on a coach/futon/floor over most beds.
  5. I have no idea where I'll be in six months, and this is kind of exciting for me.
  6. I am introverted, but I do extroverted activities.
  7. I'm realizing that everything I prayed for as a child is coming true in different ways than expected.
I'm taggin' Bek, Mallory T., Jenny Jen Jen, and Christyn :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rewind to London Fast Forward

So, I found this video my friend posted from our London trip. There are little snippets of some things we did there...:)