Saturday, May 31, 2008
What?! School in The Summer?!
I’m also taking senior studio, which is where I come up with my own art projects and put in around 50hrs of work. Any suggestions??? I could use the help! I’ve got some ideas, but I don’t know what direction I want to go.
Wish I could do this all day instead of going to class:
Monday, May 26, 2008
In Honor of One Great Old Lady!
Friday, May 23, 2008
When This Phase Ends...
Things I’d like to do before I’m too old:
-Become a CHA certified horseback riding instructor
-Become a SCUBA dive master
-Have my work shown in a big city gallery
-Write a book…probably about useless facts no one cares about
-Learn another language
-Travel to a couple more continents
-Save the children (you’d have to hear my spiel on the children in the Appalachian area)
-Maybe be a wife and mommy if I’m lucky
I have many dreams. These are just the ones I’m hoping I can get done…
Until then, here is some proof I can become a better person than what I may have been.
Taken approximately 15 years ago
Here We Go!

It was Holy Week, so we had some experiences we wouldn’t have encountered any other time.
Then, Monday morning we headed up to Kirtland. We toured just about the whole place. We were about to head off to Penn State to stay with my brother for the night, but decided to go to the John Johnson Farm before it closed. It was great. The spirit is so strong in every place. To stand where the Prophet once stood, and imagine the miraculous events was worth the detour.
Whit and I met working at a camp on Catalina Island a few years ago. Sharaya, another girl who worked with us just so happened to move to Clevaland of all places, so we met up!
Once to Penn we didn’t stay long. We got some cereal from a place that only serves cereal (one of our favorite foods!) And we were off to Scranton! The home of our favorite T.V. show, The Office!...and yeah, it was lame…Which made it that much cooler!!!
And no, I did not develop a lisp. My camera just likes to give people one. It’s pretty sweet really.